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Special Member Meeting

All Members Invited!

You’ll soon receive a notice in the mail with details about a special member meeting, along with a ballot to cast your vote on an important decision: the proposed conversion of Limestone FCU to a State Charter Credit Union. This change represents a significant step for our organization. We’re here to answer any questions you may have and are hopeful for a positive vote on this initiative. 

The meeting will feature a brief presentation by our CEO, Jennifer C. Watson, followed by an opportunity to ask questions, share comments, and cast your vote in person. Snacks and beverages will be provided.

Important: Duplicate ballots and late votes will not be accepted. For accounts with more than one owner, only the primary account holder is eligible to vote. Ballots must be mailed using the self-stamped envelope provided, or they can be dropped off in the Main Branch lobby voting box anytime before 11/25/2024 or during the special member meeting on 11/25/2024.

Event Info:

Event: Special Member Meeting

Date: Monday, November 25, 2024

Time: 3:30 p.m.

Location: Main Branch Lobby – 131 River Street, Manistique, MI. 49854

Thank you for being an active part of our credit union’s future! For more details on the meeting and the conversion, please click the button below. We look forward to seeing you there!

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